Monday, November 2, 2009

Job @ Computertots

Hello everybody...

My job at Computertots.... Just started a couple of months ago.. Wow..! So many new things I get being part of Computertots.
New knowledge, new experience, new friends, new boss, new students, new parents, new environment... all new.. :)

Most of the time I enjoyed being part of Computertots society... (society..?)
Some of the time I felt tiring, since very weekend I have to work....
However the cute kids really made my day brighter and cheerer..
But there are also times that makes me feel ......aaaarrrrggghhh..... aaarrrgghhhh....

Anyway,.. thanx girls... for all the warm and friendly support u girls provided me...
Mr. Wong (especially.. hehehe) [hmm... one hero in our heart]
Izati.... Sue... Ismah.. (wherever u are... :) )
Winnie.. Mei Chin.. Yee Theng.. Syikin.. Ziela.. Sam..

and also to the new ones... hmm...
Akma.. Mia.. Mei Fong.. Caryn.. welcome to Computertots..
Hope u girls will have fun like I did (still having fun thou... ) :)

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