Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cute Cute Cute Kids

I am back again, with all these pictures. My cute cute students.

The first one, Song He. Very nice student. Always smiling. :)

Amira, the second one. My new student, very clever and have such a cute smile.

The hero, Nicholas. Sometimes wanna be called Zi Yi. Always put his hand in his mouth.. hmm.. hope I can do something bout that.. sometime.. somehow.. hehehe...

This so talkative guy, Iqbal. I tought his sister, Fatin to do this blog thing.

Aha... Emir.. A 3 year old boy that loves numbers. He can count and spell the numbers up to thousand. So amazing.. The moment he enters the class, he opens the computer, click the start button, then choose Microsoft Word. Change the text font to 72, then type numbers. :) Clever boy.

Hm... This is Qistina. The small size girl, but with very big brain. :)

Ha... This handsome boy, Kimi. His fullname is Idlan Hakimi. Always wanna play games. Hehehe.. So adorable.

Aaliya.. Aaliya Maqsood. Always with her new things. One of my students that loves princess. Actually, all my female students love princess, but she is on top of all. hehehe..

Candice. Such a pampered girl. Luv ya..! :)

I think I have some other pictures. But later I will put all the pictures. Okay... Take care!

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