Tuesday, August 20, 2013

New Status, New Work, New Environment..

New Status, New Work, New Environment.. and I'm Loving It..

I am a married woman.. I have completed my Master.. I have a new job.. I am having a new environment.. What else can I ask for.. Thank you Allah, for everything I have, for everything I  have earned.. Alhamdulillah.. 

To the most important people in my life.. my dad, my mum, my brother, my sisters... How can I thank you.. No words can describe how much I have to thank you.. No words can describe how much I love you.. I am glad that I have all of you in my life.. Muahs... 

To the love of my life, my dearie husband.. Mohd Padlisham Besar.. Thank you for everything you have given to me, thank you for the love you pampered me, thank you for the care you shared with me, thank you for holding me tight even when we had a fight or misunderstanding.... I promise you to love you with everything I have, to share the easy and the hard, to share the pain and the gain, to always be there for better or worst.. inshaAllah.. 

To my new family, my in laws, my father, my mother, my new sisters and my brothers, thank you for making me part of your big family.. 

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