Friday, January 14, 2011

It's Friday!!

It’s Friday, and as usual, waked up late. Damn so lazy to go to work. But she has to. Like my handsome guy always said, “kene laa keje, tak keje nak makan ape”. Yeah, so here I am at Great Eastern Mall, Jalan Ampang.

Today most of my students were absent. Ethan wants to play Putt-Putt Enter the Race. He is such a smart 9 year old boy. Then, three years old cute boy, Jordan. Chan Ngai Thong, Neda Fayaz, Idaini Nurisha. That’s all? Yup, only five altogether. The one that was absent, Kyla Ichelle, Yasmin Ghariani, Zaqirah Alissa, Aniq Shazmeer, Fareed, Emman and Qhadijah.

Even though most of them were absent, I still had fun teaching the rest of the students. Hopefully they had fun like I did.

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